
Features of oversized cargo transport

Features of oversized cargo transport

Transport of oversized and large cargo is a very difficult process, which has its own characteristics. Particular attention is needed from the driver of the vehicle carrying the object when carrying the cargo during nighttime. In low visibility conditions, the cargo must be carried with the compulsory name of the object using a flashlight or a white reflector (front), as well as a flashlight and a red reflector (rear).

In order to ensure safe transport of oversized cargoes, companies specialized in the transport of objects must have a lot of experienced professional drivers, with many years of experience in the field. In addition, the use of the special equipment necessary for the transport of heavy and oversized cargo, as well as of dangerous and bulky objects, significantly increase safety indicators when performing various transportations.

The safety of oversized cargo transportation

A very important specificity in oversized cargo transport is the speed limit of the vehicle carrying the cargo. When driving on the road, the speed should not exceed 60 km / h, and on bridges - not more than 15 km / h. Exceeding the permitted speed is strictly forbidden. Also, drivers are not allowed to depart from the specified route or to travel in adverse weather conditions (for example, ice, low visibility due to heavy fog, etc.).

There is also a certain specificity of cargo transport with different types of road transport. If the object is transported by special means of transport, trawl or carriage, then the driver of this type of transport can stop only on the territory of the special car parkings outside the road. In the event of a car malfunction, the driver must stop the car immediately. Also, it is worth stopping the transport of goods with poor fixing or faulty fixing of the object, because the poorly secured cargos represent a threat to the safety of road traffic.

Basic requirements for oversized cargo transportation

One of the main requirements for oversized cargo transport is that, in a road train, the brake system must be controlled using the brake pedal located in the truck-tractor. In addition, the vehicle semi-trailer must also be equipped with a parking brake in good condition. In the event of a break in the lines connecting the semi-trailer and the towing vehicle, there must be a special device for the vehicle to stop automatically.

The road train for the transport of oversized cargoes must be assembled with at least with four wheel chocs in its equipment and at least one rear-view mirror must be installed on both outer parts of the cab. Also, special identification indicators ("Road train", "Oversized cargo, etc.) and orange or yellow flashing beacons must be installed.

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