Inssuring the cargo many customers do not ask themselves how and what to do when the insured case occurs, all the rush and panic appear when something has happened with the insured cargo.
Before taking any action, you should calm down and control yourself, because when we are nervous, we make mach more mistakes. Keep in mind, your cargo is insured, all that was needed to ensure the maximum protection you have undertaken, all you have to do is to declare to the insurance company the event correctly, collect all the necessary documents and to receive the appropriate compensation for the damage or loss of the insured cargo.
Priority actions of the insured in case of damage or loss of the insured cargo:
1. As soon as possible, after finding out that an insured case has taken place, it is necessary to prevent the insurer via:
• Telephone - it is preferable to call the insurer's landline number, as all calls are recorded, which will make it possible in the future to prove that the insured has informed the insurer about the damage in due time.
• E-mail - it is preferable to send information about damages to the work addresses of the employees of the insurance companies and, preferably, with confirmation regarding the receipt of this letter.
• Faxing is not the best option because your notice may be lost, thrown or simply not observed. It is good to use this type of communication only in extreme cases.
• Other way.
2. When the insurer is notified about the insured case, the following data must be indicated:
• Time of occurrence of the insured case;
• Place of damage;
• Causes of damage or loss of the insured cargo (accident, theft, fire, etc.);
• The nature of the damage (scratches, bends, loss, fall, etc.);
• Estimated value of the damage - this information is necessary for the insurer to start reserving financial means for payment immediately.
3. After a preliminary notice of the damage caused to the insured cargo, the request must be made in writing and sent to the insurer:
• By a courier with a signature in the receipt regarding the receipt of the letter and a signature in the inventory of the attached documents;
• Via e-mail with acknowledgment of receipt and reading;
• Via registered letter
Please note that the deadline for submitting a written request regarding the occurrence of an insured case for each insurance company is different and can be from 24 hours to 5 working days, so you cannot postpone this problem in any way.
4. The insured is obliged to take all possible measures in order to prevent or reduce the damages caused by the insured case. Taking such measures, the insured person must follow the instructions of the insurer, where such instructions are given. It should be kept in mind that you must not take any action without the insurer's consent to avoid payment problems in the future.
5. The insured is obliged (otherwise the insurer has the right to refuse payment) to ensure the right to subrogate the carriers, the persons responsible for the safety of the insured goods and other third parties.
6. The insured is obliged to ensure the safety of the cargo in unchanged form until it is examined by the insurer's representatives. The insured has the right to move the damaged cargo and other actions if the implementation of these measures is dictated by:
• considerations of the safety and security of the damaged cargo and to prevent further damage,
• obtaining the consent of the insurer to ensure rescue measures or to ensure the safety of the insured cargo.
7. The insured is obliged to provide an opportunity and not to prevent the inspection of the damaged cargo by the insurer's representative.
8. The insured is obliged to provide all the documents requested by the insurer (naturally within reasonable limits) to establish the fact, size and nature of the insured case.
The documents provided by the insured to the occurrence of the insured case are divided into several categories:
1. Documents confirming the conclusion of an insurance contract:
• The original of the general contract for the insurance of the cargoes with the policy or the transport notice on which there was a loss or policy for a single transport;
• Copy of the document confirming the full payment of the transport insurance premium;
• The original of the payment request (the model can be requested from the insurer)
2. Legal documents (certified copies):
• for legal persons: the registration certificate issued by the state registration authorities; status; constitutive documents;
• for an independent contractor: registration certificate issued by the state registration authorities;
• for natural person: passport or other document confirming identity.
3. Documents confirming the ownership interest for the insured cargo (originals or certified copies):
Billing documentation (commercial invoices accompanying goods, invoices, bills, packing slips other documents equivalent to these;)
• Sales-purchase contracts, contracts.
4. Documents confirming the transport of the insured cargo (originals or certified copies):
• contract for transport / transport-forwarding services;
• transport documentation (bills of lading, rail, road and air transport lines, other transport documents equivalent to them);
• demand for transport;
• for insurance of freight - charter - lots and bills of lading.
5. Documents confirming the production of the insured case (original or certified copy) - depending on the type of transport on which the insured cargo was transported:
•For the insurance of the cargoes transported by sea transport:
- sea protest,
- extracts from the logbook,
- naval act,
- certificate regarding the accident,
- document attesting the production of the accident
- and other equivalent official documents indicating the reasons for the insured case;
- in the event of the ship's disappearance, conclusive information about its departure from the last port and the expected date of arrival at the next port; The ship is considered disappeared when no information has been received about it within 3 months and if obtaining information could be delayed as a result of military operations, within 6 months.
•When insuring the cargoes transported by rail:
- commercial document prepared by the representative of the railway at the station where the damage was detected, pilferage of the cargo (deterioration of the seal);
- Commercial document regarding the cargo deficit performed at the destination, signed by the consignee, representative of the railway, VOHR;
- a document of general form or other document equal to it, indicating the value of the loss, confirmed by the stamp of the carrier and the consignee;
- Certificate issued by the management of the railway department within the radius of which the accident took place (the exit of the rolling stock from the line, the collapse of the bridge, etc.), as a result of which an insured case took place;
- invoice from the railway with a note regarding the damage / the document performed.
- receipt on receiving of the cargo;
- certificates from LOVD or a notification coupon (original), a decision regarding the establishment of the criminal trial or refusal;
- contract regarding the organization of the logistic services or a contract for forwarding services (a certified copy by the insured);
- a letter of claim addressed to the guilty person with notification of receipt (a certified copy by the insured),
- goods invoices, invoices;
•When insuring the cargoes transported by road transport:
- act regarding the deficiency of the cargo (for any reason) performed at the destination, signed by the consignee, carrier (driver), security representative, customs (if applicable);
- certificate, report of the road police regarding the traffic accident - in case of accident;
-ticket - notification, the decision of the Department of Internal Affairs regarding the initiation / refusal to initiate criminal actions regarding theft or the deliberate destruction of the goods in case of theft, decision of confession by the victim,
- copy of the waybill indicating the time, date of receipt of the cargo and its quality, departure and arrival in the garage.
- information about the driver (if the driver is an employee of the Insured)
- copy of the driving license
- a copy of the driver's passport,
- copy of the registration certificate of the vehicle;
- a copy of the technical passport of the vehicle;
- a copy of the waybill / or of the vehicle rental contract;
- copy of the employment contract with the driver.
- contract regarding the organization of the logistic services or a contract for forwarding services (a certified copy by the insured);
- contract regarding the transport and the request for transport with its acceptance, if this is stipulated by the transport contract (a certified copy by the insured),
- the letter of claim to the carrier with a notification of receipt (a certified copy by the insured),
- invoices regarding the transport with note about the transport of the cargoes which are not kept.
- goods invoices, invoices;
- Explanation of the driver / employee Chop (if the cargo was accompanied).
•When insuring the cargo transported by air:- a commercial document certified by a stamp or seal to the air carrier performed at the airport of destination.
- certificate issued by the management of the airline about the collapse of the aircraft.
- certificate from LOVD or a notification ticket (original), a decision to initiate a criminal procedure or to refuse the establishment;
- air invoice for the delivery of the cargo;
- a document of general form, certified by the carrier and the consignee;
- contract regarding the organization of the logistical services or a contract for fprwarding services (a certified copy by the insured);
- the letter of claim to the guilty party with notification of receipt (a certified copy by the insured),
- goods invoices, invoices;
6. Documents confirming the value of the damage:
• Conclusion of the expert organization regarding the occurrence of the insured case regarding the value of the damages caused and / or the technical report regarding the results of the examination of the condition and the operability of the damaged object, prepared by the maintenance department or another competent maintenance organization, as well as the cost of the repair in the case in which the object is to be repaired. (The specified document is provided if the expertise has been performed);
• Pictures of the damaged cargo (if any);
• Calculation of the amount of the damage with the annexation of the supporting documents.
7. Documents that ensure the right of subrogation by the insurance company to the party responsible for the loss:
• copies of the letters of claim to the carrier, forwarder (other organizations responsible for damages), prepared in accordance with the general requirements for the preparation of these documents;
• answers and explanations of the carrier, the forwarder (of another organization) regarding the circumstances that caused damage to the insured cargo.